Survival Skill of the Month Club: VOLUME 3

Survival Skill of the Month Club: VOLUME 3
This is a yearly volume of Creek’s Survival Skill of the Month Club Skill Sheets. Each volume contains 12 full color survival skill sheet sets that teach a unique survival skill in extraordinary detail. Below are the skills features in this volume:
Elm Bark Canoe Bailer
How to Make a Cattail Duck Decoy
Paipai Green Willow Hunting Bow
Paipai 2-piece Hunting Arrows
How to Make a Harefoot Hand Adze
Great Depression Bird Deadfall
Missionary Bird Snare
Courtyard Bird Lasso
Improvised Debris Mask
Processing Natural Clay for Pottery (wet extraction)
Forming and Firing an Earthenware Bowl Using Naturally Sourced Clay
How to Make Fish Leather
VOLUME 1: 100 pages - Full color, Printed in USA.