(DIGITAL) Pocket Field Guide: Survival Knots, VOL I

(DIGITAL) Pocket Field Guide: Survival Knots, VOL I

Sale Price:$0.99 Original Price:$4.99


Survival Knots - Volume I features the Essential Collection of survival knots that every woodsman or woman must know. These include 19 of the most powerful, useful and functional knots that can help navigate any survival scenario. With step-by-step knot tying illustrations for each knot, author Creek Stewart graphically teaches exactly how to tie each one as if he were in the room teaching you himself. In addition to detailed illustrations, Creek describes the function of each knot as well as his personal experience using it in the woods (or everyday life). This knot guide is different from others in that it is specific to survival and wilderness living. While many of these knots have many other functions, Creek is laser focused in his discussion of the role they can play in surviving worse case scenarios.

In this one-of-a-kind guide, you'll learn how to tie and use the following survival knots:

  • Overhand Knot

  • Half Hitch

  • Double Half Hitch

  • Round Turn and Two Half Hitches

  • Arbor Knot (also called the Jam Knot)

  • Figure 8 Knot

  • Figure 8 Loop

  • Bowline

  • Square Knot

  • Sheet Bend

  • Clove Hitch

  • Constrictor Knot

  • Taut Line Hitch

  • Trucker Hitch

  • Water Knot

  • Double Fisherman's Knot

  • Prusik Knot

  • Marlinspike Hitch

  • Timber Hitch

If your goal is to become more proficient with knots and rope work, this guide is ticket to get there. From rope and knotwork lingo to step-by-step instructions and functions in the field, with a little practice you'll master these key knots in no time!

58 pages

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