POCKET FIELD GUIDE: Secrets of the Figure 4 Deadfall

POCKET FIELD GUIDE: Secrets of the Figure 4 Deadfall
Learn the untold secrets of sourcing, carving, assembling, and setting one of the most iconic and effective wilderness survival traps on the planet - the Figure 4 Deadfall Trap. Written from experience, this step-by-step manual will teach you how to carve and build a Figure 4 Deadfall Trap that can absolutely put food over the camp fire in a survival scenario. Taught using clear and concise photos with detailed instructions for sourcing materials, cutting trap pieces [measurements included], carving notches, setting the trap, and even a fail-proof trigger system that will trip every time. Also learn a bait-stick "hack" that will allow you to effectively use virtually ANY bait available. This is a survival trap every woodsman or woman should know!
Author: Jamie Burleigh
48 pages
Printed in USA.