Ootah's DIY Harpoon Kit

Ootah's DIY Harpoon Kit
When I was a kid, my mom used to read me a book titled Ootah’s Lucky Day. It was about an Eskimo boy who killed a walrus with his harpoon to feed his village. It is an awesome story and I still have the book and read it to my kids.
As a young boy, this book really resonated with me. I always wanted to harpoon a walrus to feed my family. It called to the “provider” side of my being and although I’ve never harpooned a walrus, I now provide for my family in other ways.
You can read Ootah’s Lucky Day for FREE here: https://archive.org/details/ootahsluckyday00pari . You have to create an account but it’s still free.
Long story short, this harpoon kit is an at-home skills project where you can make a harpoon just like Ootah (and many other Inuit hunters back in the day). It contains 2 slate tips for abrading the point, a white oak shaft for carving the body of the harpoon, and full instructions.
One day soon, I will read Ootah’s Luck Day again to my son (River) nd daughter (Lakelyn). This time, however, we’ll go out into the back yard and actually make Ootah’s harpoon. And then one day, they’ll be telling that story to their grandkids.
Whether you make the harpoon by yourself, with your kids, or with your grandkids, it’s a great skill to learn in the back yard. And, who knows, this knowledge may just save your life one day.
Kit made in USA exclusively for Creek Stewart.